Please read this article along with
Ephesians 4 .
One vision (4:1-6)1.
God, who is above all, through all and in all, has a purpose.
2. The
Lord of life became a man to accomplish the judicial redemption. Through
faith and
baptism we believers may have union of life with Him.
3. Christ as the life-giving
Spirit is carrying out the organic salvation to fill us up as the
Body of Christ, who is the fullness of God. This is our
hope of glory.
This should be
the guiding principle of the Christian walk.
One ministry with coordinated execution (4:7-16)One vision will issue in one ministry under the Head-
1. Eyes: the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles provide vision and direction for the whole Body.
2. Mouth: Prophets can perfect all the saints to speak for God, to speak forth God , and to speak God into the saints to build up the church.
3. Feet: Evangelists can perfect all the saints to preach the gospel to beget new ones.
4. Two hands: Shepherds and teachers can perfect all the saints to humanly cherish and divinely nourish the newer and younger ones.
5. Nose: The Body's ability to differentiate winds of teaching (v14)
One work with many functions! One Body with many members! We are all
from the Body,
in the Body and
for the Body.
One living - the Body life (4:17-32)
One ministry will be carried out practically in one living – the Body life, or the church life. It is not
what we do that matters to God, it is
who we are!
1. Be renewed in the spirit of our mind (vs.
vanity of our fallen mind).
2. With all lowliness, meekness, long-suffering, bear one another in the love of God (without
ambition, murmuring and opinions).
3. Diligently keep the oneness in the new man (without
private interests and division).