Saturday, December 20, 2008


The Body,
the ministry,
and local churches

The Body of Christ is so wide that it is available to all nationalities, skin colors, cultures, and social positions (Matthew 22:9), but its entrance is so narrow that nationality, skin color, culture, and social position can NOT come in (Colossians 3:11).

Here is a shorter version:
The Body of Christ is so wide that it is open to the whole earth (Acts 10:12), but its entrance is so narrow that NO earthly things can come in. (universal access with heavenly constitution)

Since the goal of the New Testament ministry is to build up the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12), it should have the same characteristics.

Since a local church is part of the Body of Christ expressed in a locality, it should also have the same characteristics (except that the access is limited by time and space, but the fellowship should be universal).

Hymn #598 (English #824) also conveys the same thought.

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